Author: jxadmin

Great Review from LETTERS FROM V

It was an amazing read and THE COUNCIL: A PSI’S REVENGE will sit on the top shelf of my bookcase with my favorite books that I love to read over and over again. Excerpt from Letters from V – Newsletter/Book Review 2/2/23 What an absolutely fantastic thing to read! When you have a dream, of not just writing books but having someone read them, this is the kind of thing that makes you feel likeLearn More

The Unholies: A Psi Defends (Book 2 of After the Pulse) Progress Update

I just made progress on The Unholies: A Psi Defends (Book 2 of After the Pulse)! Final edits are FINISHED, so I sent it out to the Betas. But don’t call them that, because the it sounds like something some MRA or Manosphere whatever some shit would say. We’ll call them ARC. Except that was the store in Denver that was like an op-shop but somebody told me it stood for Association of R-WORD Citizens,Learn More

Some thank-yous


So the book is out, and it’s even selling! Not heaps, but maybe enough to get some traction. There’s so much to learn with this journey, formatting and such, I’m still figuring a lot of things out. Which is to say that it’s no different from any other part of this whole deal. I had to figure a LOT out. But I had a lot of help too. People that took time from their ownLearn More

Thundercats are GO!

Amazon Screenshot

I’ve always wanted to say that^ My book is launched. Like officially. It’s up on Amazon and for sale in eBook and Print On Demand, and I’m pretty stoked. Now comes the real work. Promotion. So like and subscri… wait, no, not that one. Buy and Review and Share, YES! Also, the eBook is $2.99 for a limited time, but the paperback version is only $8 (as low as they’d let me set it) soLearn More

Another Cover is Ready!

The Unholies: A Psi Defends (Book Two of After the Pulse)

SO excited to announce that the cover for The Unholies: A Psi Defends (Book Two of After the Pulse) is ready! This one came out a lot quicker than the first one but I’m really happy with it. Final tweaks are underway and hopefully I’ll get full approval (meaning my wife and daughter like it) soon and I’ll make it official. The Unholies is 95% finished and needs only some final edits and a coupleLearn More

“The River Mouth” by Karen Herbert, is highly problematic.

I first heard of this book through the Writing WA newsletter, who are really quite great about pimping new books by local authors. Then one of the Big Reader September Author Talks came to my local library with the author of The River Mouth, Karen Herbert, David Whish-Wilson (one of my faves) and Dave Warner, a legitimate Rock Star. Warner ran the microphone and was really quite entertaining. David WW was every bit the introvertLearn More

Cover Finished!

The Council: A Psi's Revenge - COVER

It’s finally done. I use the word “finally” even though I really didn’t have to wait that long and didn’t have any troubles, difficulties or delays in getting it finished. I suppose I was impatient because I was just so fucking excited to be a part of the process. For starters, I’ve been working with Booksmith Design and it was, in short, AMAZING. She’s wonderful, professional and best of all, GOOD. I felt well-looked afterLearn More

How to get this done?


There are days (SPOILERS: This is one of them) that the Life happening around me makes writing incredibly difficult. I’m a big believer in omens, signs, little signals to you that try to nudge you into a certain direction. When I’m struggling, labouring, with that Ever Important Opening Paragraph, and it’s one thing after another, I’m inclined to just quit. Put the document away, open a new tab, and blog about how fucking hard thisLearn More

Why most authors have a “look”.

I’ve noticed this for a long time and I think I’ve finally figured a few things out about the Book Publishing Industry and some of its inner-workings. On one side, we’ve always known that Video Killed the Radio Star. Which is a polite way of saying that fat and/or unattractive people aren’t really stars based on their talents any more. You have to be a bit nice to look at too. This isn’t 100% true,Learn More

Finish the other two books? Or start another one?

So I’ve got Project #1 finished, but it was clearly my first attempt and I made (am making) all the rookie mistakes. Only proofed and re-read, didn’t really “revise” anything. Didn’t go through every plotline, every character, and make sure they were handled properly. Kept lots of words because it was Hard Work writing them! #sentimental Sent my manuscript to ONE Beta Reader, then entered it in contests and sent it to agents. Fuck’s sake,Learn More

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